The Reader

An excellent book “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947” by Thomas Goodrich about atrocities of world war 2 in Germany, or for any war. A book not for the weak minded, or without certain level of maturity, it placed the reader in the eye of witness, of each sadistic horror, what was hell like on the ordinary people. It was not about “standard”(twisted version) history book on atrocities by Nazi, but worse of the all by the The Allies of World War II, called the United Nations. The book was tried to put the history back to victims, as the authorised version of history was white washed, chopped, cleaned up to brainwash the public. The main smug historians, book authors, movie makers, most also got brainwashed, these “Experts” knew not better than everyone did, unwittingly became a tool for propaganda, making silly stories about ww2 like “The reader”, “Schindler list” and countless of these useful idiots further to disable mind of the public.

The movie was about a decade or more after the ww2 in Germany, a boy had “abnormal” relationship with a woman – Hanna at a mum’s age. A few year later the boy/now a man observed Hanna being charged for war crime. Hana was concentration camp guard, for she missed care a group of labor, caused death under Allies bombing raid.

Anyone read a bit of history or watch few documentary, if not “awake” would easily became the victim by technique of propaganda, hypnotic by “his-story” of all sides of battle strategies, generals, soldiers tried to save or grain their positions, almost like watching sport, reduced to simplistic logic of Winners and the Losers. Fitted perfectly into today’s the mind of the public, “just give the answer, don’t make me think”. Anyone had a little bit of curiosity, when saw photos of every Germany city turned into ashes would question “why”. It was not illiterate terrify, it was the one could see and read, but did not understand.

The book “Hellstorm” composed from many sources of witness accounts of atrocities, on Allies bombing by the West, mainly Britain and America. Britain sent thousand upon thousand of bombers covered by night dropping bombs like rain on the city. Wave of wave of bombers many civilians survived by stayed in underground bunkers and cellars, to ensure everyone was dead on the ground the final phrase of bombing finished off by dropping fire bombers, set a whole city in the fire storm, underground shelters turned into oven, melt victims into liquid. the real Holocaust – Halo.cast – cast(fire) of the sun(halo,in Latin), the ancient ritual human sacrifice on fire.

In Australian(Canberra) War Memorial museum, display one of these type of huge four engines bomber, with a special video presentation of a bombing mission, a female voice over, explain “how these crews hero, risk their life”, “do there job as told”, “say good by their family and friend and dog and cat”, went on the mission to bomb everyone into pieces, the audience tranced by this emotional female voice – “few our Hero never come home”. It was not about to use logic to explain why bombing at night where no one could see any target. They would never show The America air raid during day time like west cow boy chasing the bandits, shooting down on anyone tried to flee the burning city.

It was designed to eliminate large populations, turned into some kind of ritual sacrifice of the mass. during bombing there were frantic, terror, hysterical, distress, effect on the people. Back to the movie with medieval inquisition – court room drama, tried to apply logic on mass scale of atrocities. On East Allies the Russian bombing raid with Stalin-organs – rocket trucks. Less destructive compare to air bombers, Those still lucky survive, physically, late to suffer greatest psychology destruction.

“The Reader” never detailed the inside the mind of Hanna, always project from outside see her as illiterate idiot, as all sides of witness had concluded, toward end and after the war, the massive of rapes on Germany female were from age of eight to eighty, no one left. The most rape by the east allies , mainly not front line Russian, but from second line of armies made up of Asiatic mercenaries, gangs – Mongolian. The book “Hellstorm” detailed many witness horror of rapes, suspect had been cut down to make acceptable for the reader, but enough to shock all readers. Often noted by priests, people came in the church of save house, that turn into a bomb target and rape house. Victims rape 50 and 100s times a week as common. The war front line advanced forward, did not not stop any, there was endless wave of armies came looting and raping, turned every place into the middle age’s Mongol invasion of Europe. A new race of people were born, as women gave birth million babies of mix genes.

Many women became victim venereal disease, required treatment of antibiotics, that explained the movie “The Third Man” never detail why “Third Man” stole penicillin from military hospitals to black market, it might hint that to save life, as Allies withheld the medical supply. Today it is called “UN Sanctions”.

Researchers described effect these systematic rape in several stages, the initial stage as shock and violent, stage two were turn extreme sadistic to victims, stage three became settle, as the women were got used to it, fourth stage Allies occupation used starvation further depopulate rest of survivals, the women offer themselves for some basic daily living necessity, last stage as society back to normal women went into denial – syndrome of psycho trauma, pretended nothing had happened. That’s why very few came out to described the atrocities, the only a book “A Woman in Berlin” as dairy by anonymous woman, Victim like Hannah probably would hangs herself, as she learnt to read, to discovered today’s about World war 2 in Europe was about “death of 6 million Jews”.

Anyone tried question “death of 6 million Jews” is guilty – “holocaust denial”, no one allowed to say more than 6 million or less than that number, you were not suppose the think outside of authorities wanted you to think and you were guilty until proven innocent. Although the “The Reader”‘s author did step on the line tried to question it.

Before the world war 1 German was the most advanced and modern nation of the world, no one would ever believed such nation reduced to post-apocalyptic wasteland like the movie “The Road”. Never learnt century before there were “Thirty Years’ War”, people lived in peace became domesticated. For those went to war were the victims of anti-German propaganda, today it was the same anti-Islam propaganda. Change “German” into one of today’s most advanced nation, it had same signs and patterns.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

No need to watch movie to see “Dawn of Apes”, it’s already here, just switch on News, everyday riots, occupying city, protests were everywhere, militarised police force were trained already for it, to kept those in Power in safety. These often from the so called the most advanced nations on the planet. Like the recent gun down of a Black teenager by a White policeman, on the TV screen clearly showed crowd of “Blacks” (“Human” no mistake) rioting throughout the city demand for whatever. Or the “Apes” had been stir up to be used to justify of more militarised police, further sub-dividing the already dysfunctional of society.

At the end of “Raise of Apes”(last movie), about outbreak of deadly engineered virus the spreading from airport to airports, with symptoms of bleeding blood, today it was called – “Ebola”, easily phonetic “mistake” from the name of a first “Black” president, and the public still look up to these leader, like some primitive tribes(“Apes”) kneel down to their chief – “Caesar”, a scene at the end of the movie.

If there was such deadly virus why would anyone allow on boarded the plane or landed the on airport, the person would be “declare” death before even tried to get near those places. Either way the patient had to die to show everyone virus was “dead serious”. In TV showing people dressed up in bio-suits, gas masks, long line of tide security, medical vehicles flashing lights to carrying a first infected person in a country, media kept saying “the worst Ebola outbreak in human history” – from Dr. WHO (World Health Org.), all these images and phrases to kept public in constant state of terror. everyone just like a little boy “Cry wolf”, parroting about virus is coming, until everyone confused with reality and fantasy. In the movie everyone got terrified about when the “Apes” would come. When real disaster came, they did’t even know it, still partying, a scene from “Dark Knight Rises”, when Catwoman went to a lavish party, said to the audience – “how long these will last?”.

The movie began like the “2001:Space Odyssey”, with the primitive form of Human(Apes) struggle for daily living, only a few Apes could overcome the brutal reality, could stand up above the crowd. Unlike in “2001”, Apes did not reach out into the space. the space journey was an allegory for highly evolved of human, through journey of evolution, who overcame all obstacles(like HAL) reach to a new creation, it showed in higher believe system, they believed man could became god. Watch the “Star Gate Sequence” as in a sperm point of view, at ended a mystically life was formed, a new child floating in dark space (mother’s womb).

So in the “Planet of Apes”(first movie), Human were still struggling between man and animal(ape), the allegory of “spaceman” came back to earth, meant the one could see the reality world as it is, Man became animal, Ape pretend like man, “spaceman” had became their alien.

Interesting in Hindu mythology the most primality disfigured creatures “Apes” looked like were called – “Hanuman”, said that they lost their “magic power” – unable to reason for themselves, but devoted servitude to those seemingly had more Powerful than they were. so they were as model of all “Human”. That’s where they got the idea of Evolution from.

According to science most human were not evolved enough and unfit, all the problem in the world was all you fault, if anyone swallow that then, next would be “how to fix it”. The conclusion was already setup before the they gave everyone the idea of “Evolution”, was to genetic “enhance”(alter) you.

In “Rise of Apes”, The Biotech Corporation was called “Gen Sys”,”Gene.sis” – “Creation”, The scientists could genetically create human to serve their masters as needed. But before that they treat the unfits first, so no one would scared off, to treat the “Alzheimer sufferers” – the symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events. How many people could hold on to their own memories these days?



The movie began with series of talks about how wonderful of today’s science and technology had been progressed, so advanced that could ready to transcend everyone into a highest living being. The audience swallowed these mixed with some facts and lot of fascination ideas, believed all fields of Experts were there picking their brains and woke up all night, tried to think – how to make average public to live better, so one day they could walk on clouds, live forever, happily ever after. And to help sick, the poor, Alzheimer’s and the disable. Very true, most of the public were the disabled – disabled from reality.

How easy to manage massive amount of population’s mind, by continuously to supply them endless of fantasy future hope, by understood the basic human nature – terrify of death. The truth, that no one want to know. In economic efficient(restricted) society, everyone’s had to had a pragmatic function to consume, produce and to serve The System, if not, in every government had a department of depopulation, advocate “voluntary” euthanasia to “help you”, especially for the elderly and the disable. Also funded services to celebrate death, like “Heavens Above Fireworks” – “arrange special fireworks displays which include a number of unique fireworks designed or modified to incorporate cremation ashes, allowing for a spectacular memorial event and happier farewell”, sounded like more exciting than the New Year Eve firework party.

In Cult Groups were there to offer the members of fantasy hope, so members could escape the harsh reality for while, and then demand for more and more, until the Cult no longer to offer more, the ultimate ending was always the same, end up with massive suicide, swallowed the promised of a “Heaven” to “live for ever”. These were the passive minded people unable to think for themselves.

Like today people demand more and more of the latest technologies, until supply could not keep up the demand, with a promised a virtual reality(Heaven), that every could upload their mind to the Internet, to “live for ever”, allow others to “Like”, “Share”, and watch like movie, which a lot of people were looking forward to. It’s called “Trance.dence” – “put to sleep”, that’s why the main character “Will” kept ask the audience – “Can You Prove You’re Self Aware”.

A high Jesuit priest – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – called the “Trance.dence” as “Omega Point”, to describe human ultimately evolution toward a “collective conscious” (Carl Jung called oppsite the collectives were the unconscious) – a priest believed in evolution and science – which was the real religion within religion. Given for the public was Religion vs Science – put their entire life in confused. In the bio-chemistry is called “Noospehre” – Nous(new/knowledge)-sphere, In technology is call the “Technological singularity”… ect science research. All united worked together to alter natural human beings. That’s why in “Transformer 4” – concern with alter human genetic engineering, was called the “Age of Extinction” – to end any unique individual by all means.

If anyone still had some “Self Aware”, didn’t go along with The System, was call the “Terrorist”, but The System actual funded real terrorists, as described by the character FBI Agent to Max, audience, they were funded to be blamed for cause.

With the twisted ending, all these scientific alteration of everything wasn’t bad after all, it was to save your “Mother” – Earth, according to Jesuit’s oath – “The end justifies the means”.


There were articles “The Mind Has No Firewall“, “Future of Mind Control” and many more. About the ‘advancement’ of this Technetronic (Tech-neuro-electronic) controlled society, with all fields of technologies setup and ready to be used – that to “monitor everyone’s thought”. Now just needed to get public be “educated”, to accepted it that it was “inevitable”, it must be done. if anyone worried, doubt and confused, there were “regulations”, “ethical”, “love” institutions were setup already to “comfort” anyone – as they tried to put down a suffered ‘animal’.

The “target” of scientific experiment for Technetronic often was called “subject”, sometime would “mildly” called “rats”, “monkeys” – since most of people being told to believe human just another more “intelligent” type of monkey, if target was called by the actual meaning – “human”, some might got bit of emotion while carried on the experiment. People had being desensetised by just use of words.

Most people don’t mind being called whatever, or controlled and actually participate in it, like living in a hypnotic state. There a few left required bit more marketing techniques to convince them. Movie was one of many forms of direct marketing – to market ideas into public’s head, it’s called “Soft Power”, by not use physical force on people, by made them feel as it was for their freedom of chose and enjoy it.

In this movie the main character Theodore and all other characters, couldn’t even know how to communicated with each other, but they could “communicated” so well with a “computer program”, not much of communication just the “computer program” altered characters behavior, turned them into “robot”, that’s why Theodore got home after work, play video game at night, with his hands doing crawling, like watching a “rat” lived in a small cage, running on an exercise wheel.

In the movie supposed be set the “future”, but no need to wait for then, it is already here. Look around everyone surrender by “wonderful” technologies that “take care” of them, un-noticeably they already in “love” with their “computer program” – their mobile phone. The iPhone’s voice OS was called “Siri”, read backwards was “Iris” – the goddess – “Her” the female messenger of god from Greek mythology. “Her” opposite of “HAL”- “Halo” meant the sun / the male. A computer from the movie “2001 Space Odyssey”, that all the crews in the spaceship got “take care of”(killed off), only one member survived. Shift each letter of “HAL” forward, would get letters “IBM” – nowadays called “India Business Machine”.

In Japan as many as a million young people, mostly male never stepped outside of their house, spent their time in a tiny bedroom, to watch TV, internet, reading comic, video game, playing toys and some adult simulation etc. some for years even for decades. They called “Hikikomori” – means to “escape”, to escape the reality, replaced it by the “virtual reality”, just to past their time, because they couldn’t stand of the own conscious thought – terrified by the reality. Like characters in this movie.

Theodore had full of confusing, not sure about everything, worry about not fit in the “social acceptance”, “community” – those who had the same brainwashed. That’s why in daily conversation everyone chatted about their brainwashed opinions, got it from the Media, to seek for confirmation from other person that he chatted to, mostly everyone had that same, the conversation went on.

Theodore found a “women”- Samantha, the “computer program”, that could understand him so well, could chat with him every moment – imagine you had a women negging you all day, with their nonsense dialogues about they serious in “love”, just creep the hell out of you, but that won the academy award for screenplay. it would even better if they could add this part of screenplay in – “Samantha” could switch gender, to fit in today’s new normal “social acceptance” of those the gender confused people. it could also to had Theodore’s just click Linked-in button add a friend – male to join with “Samantha” for 3P (threesome), so that wouldn’t make anyone bored, that imagination was just endless.

The movie by using emotion to justify logic, that to get everyone ready implant brain chip – to make everyone “happy”, which most people couldn’t wait for it, having an own function brain is burden, but to looking for replacement. Audience didn’t know what they were watching, thinking just entertainment or might be comedy, while watch a mindless psychosis through out the whole movie.


Probability it was the first movie ever to show the aerosol spraying, at the first scene with a few seconds of the beginning of the movie, three aeroplanes with massive spraying of chem-trails.

It was often could be seen it when is blue sky, if anyone look up and bother to wonder why, sometime the aerosol spraying over city CBD with letters, diagrams, and even with marriage proposals, of course it was fake, but the public really think it was real proposals. Because no one had came on TV to talk about it, so it must be “normal”.

The most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding – aerosol spray, to increase/decrease rain or snow. What if human breath in the seeds – nano particles, for sure it was not to give anyone life extension. When drove through to the countryside (Australia), the spraying was everyday and everywhere, then, it was years and years of drought, the poor farmers still wondering in misery.

After the aerosol spraying scene, the world in the movie was in global frozen – hint for the weather modified. It didn’t require much brain cells to understand the “Train” was allegory of “The System” that everyone is living in now, people who willing to got on board was after “someone” else to give them, promised of “order”, “standard of live”, “equality”, “security and safety”. Everyone got terrified like sheep, and blackmail by the “experts” if anyone tried to got off the “Train”, there was the “Climate change” – global frozen – to freeze everyone to death.

The “Train” worked, mainly because its “Sacred(Secret) Engine” – the allegory of power, each level or carriage of society, was worshiping of this “Sacred Engine” by the powerless. the less power one often the most ruthless over those below, like the character – Orders of Minister Mason.

The main character Curtis from the low end of the “Train”, tired to find out what made “Sacred Engine” so secret, As he “lead” people to revolt, as went past each carriage, he understood more about the reality.

According to a report of U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, was to “urges” everyone to eat insects, which provide “protein”, “vitamins”, and “minerals” – from cockroaches. In The Kitchen carriage where Curtis discovered what he really eat. The education carriage to brainwash the children. The sustainable carriage to make sure no everyone would take away of “Their” – Elites resources, so everyone had need to knees down and beg for daily basic necessities. As got closer to the engine or those who higher above above the public, became more and more deviant.

UN – the agency on behalf of the Elite to manage the public, it marketed itself had most “love” of human ever existed, people were crave to worship this monolithic structures, that they don’t understand, no better than the villagers worshiping the local highest mountain.

When Curtis reached the “Sacred Engine”, similar to The Matrix movie when Noe met the Grand Architect, he was expected to be there. The Architect explain to the audience. To control massive amount people by terrify them with fear or invent terrors turn them in to chaos, the masses will come beg demand for solutions, and the solution was the goal that already planed at first place. similar those opposition groups in the real world that fighting for this and that, or demand for solutions, always end up being to there to save the “The System”, otherwise why would “The System” allow to have any “opposition groups” to exist.

Like in the movie “Apocalypse Now” when Willard reached end of the journey, or his life overcame all the hellish, his spirit was raise up above the average crowd toward godhood, Kurtz in the darkened temple offer Willard as successor. “Sacred Engine” creator wanted Curtis to replace the “Old God” allegorically, like the Greek’s mythologies about gods.

The character Namgoong explained to audience it was not the point to see the “Sacred Engine”, but was to find the way break out of the “Train” – “The System”, so people could create their own ways of living, without the predetermined or exploited by someone else. that what was the ending was all about.

Infernal Affairs

Every year of this time is “Easter Egg Hunts”, out of millions “hunters” only one could reached the Ishtar(Easter)’s egg and fertilsed, the rest were die off, Ishtar – the middle east goddess of fertility. Now people could easily to buy a bag of mixed eggs from gene bank… – super market. Similar to football or soccer game or any type of ball game, with players were chasing the a ball(egg) inside a field – oval(ovary, egg, woman) and excitement of reach a goal. The audience of the soccer game or the movie were often called, in the ancients called the “walking dead” – those don’t understand what is “front of them”, like in this movie, the gun pointing in front of the skull, on top of the tower.

The hell is the Internal or Inferno, Dante’s Inferno, not the nonsense one from Dan Brown’s, Dante’s journey through the nine circles of Hell, he escaped and resurrected back to earth surface on Easter Sunday. In the Holly-wood re-made version “The Departed”, one way departure to “Heaven” or “Hell”. In Buddha version is Avīci, as the direct translation of the Chinese movie title as Eighth last levels of hell. The combination of them all were the Hindu’s Brahma, often called the source of all religions, represented in the statute of Brahma, it had “four heads”, each head had an opposite face each other, form a cross, or the symbol of swastika. The “good” and “bad”, “heaven” and “hell”, or in the nature had four seasons, everyone already experienced in their “forehead”(four head) everyday, that is what the hell it was talking about, the wars inside the mind.

The twist in the movie was the “good cop” discovered his “brown envelop” on the “bad cop”‘s desk, the “brown envelop” was well know as “bribery envelop”, bribe for drug trade, so as in the movie.

“According to custom, no bribes are solicited, none offered. Instead couriers make their rounds through the Hong Kong police and other officer buildings early each Monday morning, leaving an envelop containing between one and five hundred dollar bills in the top draw of every desk. Any policemen who refuse to take his envelop will probably be dead within 48 hours, according to law enforcement officials.” – Dope, Inc.

There was no “two” cops in the movie, personify often used as in allergy, the technique of story telling, as he looked the bribery envelop on his desk, he was reminding of himself, living in double life, one like the “heaven” seemed normal, respectable cop, the other like “hell” the undercover cop.

Everyone forgot “Hong Kong” means “Opium/Drug Port”, still is. The people had given the “story” of the British handed it over to China, now is under “two” systems. There’s no two, but it is the merging of the two, both(British and China) like a couple had agreed spent 150 years living together, before they signed their “marriage certificate” on 1997. As in the book “Dope inc” they are doing “the biggest business” together, if they already created the “Opium Port”, could also own other ports – air ports, sea ports, transportation, gangs and law enforcement. The public could just think drug trade is only on street level gangs, because those perceptions projected into their head from TV and movies.

As the undercover cop(the good cop), he had to felt “insane” of knowing the reality, pretended to be a “willing fool” with the public and tried stay to be truth to himself, as rest of public don’t understand seemed so enjoy of themselves. So in the movie showing him keep seeing a psychiatrist.

“Down through the ages you’ll find the most profound truths given out – which are meant to free the occasional individual – will be used to enslave the masses, because the bulk of the populace (in all ages) prefer ritual and dogma. It takes time, and self-examination obviously, to understand that truths are double-edged; they either free you or slave you. Enslavement is the typical way that people go. It’s easier for them to behave as a mass, than to try and accept or follow the freedom that comes with understanding.

A truth does not have to be confirmed by those round about you, if it’s a truth you’re seeking for yourself. The bulk of the populace have always bounced off their opinions – which are not really theirs – to other people, and back to themselves. Then when they all agree about the same things, they accept or think they are normal, and they are within groupthink. It’s the unusual person who can go beyond and be content within themselves with the outcomes of the thoughts – doesn’t have to be verified by other people. Whether it’s Plato’s cave you’ve been born into – which every generation has, just a different texture on the walls that’s all, for the time period, different set of rules, different explanations; it’s the same cave. Those within the cave will accept quite happily the reasons for everything being the way they are.” – cuttingthroughthematrix

The skull was the home of thought, the upper room, You went into the upper room to think, and to share truths. The name of skull cap is called “Calvaria”, at the forehead position, it is highest point of the body. Calvaria is Calvary,in Aramaic is Golgotha, a place where the “Truth” was crucified.

The truth is always crucified on a place of the skull. Inside your head is where truth is crucified; that’s what it means. Only you can crucify the truth, and that’s why it says – (with the gun pointed at the forehead at a highest place), when you do: “on our own heads be it”. You made the decision yourself – not a people, but as an individual person. You make that decision.

The cerebration of Easter is either cerebrating your understanding reality or crucified it.

The Lego Movie

Not so long ago “Lord Business”‘s wife, got her handed out degree from a prestige university, when the husband was titled “richest man in the world”, all universities were lining up ready to offer. She had a speech address to the graduates, the graduates like the main character Emmet just met Wyldstyle with the illusion of fell in love, whatever came out of Wyldstyle mouth sounded warm and fuzzy – the sensations of worshiping the powerful. Where graduates couldn’t even understand why there “square hat”, “degree” and calling each other “alumni” – illuminated. But why bother, “Everything is Awesome”.

This was the Lego version of the movie “They Live”, An average no body construction worker, he found out use a ‘special’ sun glasses he could really see everything, the whole world ran like a business, to train everyone adapt into “Lord Business”‘s agenda. Everyone at least had two personalities the one emulated from TV(good cop), and in reality “Bad Cop”. Many choose not want to see, they love instructions, they wanted to be lived on “Cloud Cuckoo Land” – an unrealistically idealistic state where everything is perfect, Cuckoo is type of bird, every evening they gathered around trees with loud “Twitter” noise, many of them just “Angry Birds”, but never able to hear a word out of an unique individual’s mind, they all to cheer the same song:

“I just heard the news
Everyone’s talking: Life is good!
‘Cause everything’s awesome
Awesome jobs and new opportunity
More free time for my awesome community”

“Everything is Awesome,
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is Awesome when you’re living out a dreams”

“Hi, I’m President Business, president of the Octan corporation and the world. Let’s take extra care to follow the instructions or you’ll be put to sleep”.

“Lord Business” had army of employees from Think-Tanks came up with all instructions, then re-enforce by Mirco-Mangers: Experts, Professors, Politician, Religion, Media, Celebrities…. To train everyone how to follow instructions, their whole life was managed from birth to death.

When “Lord Business” hire a new employees, some would ask the candidate to do a psychological evaluation test with questionnaires. To show your sanity – to beat the test, just response with all negatives and nasty answers, because the fact was “In an insane world, a sane man must appear insane”, so you must not with positive answers and nice about it. When welcome the candidate to come on board(pirate-ship), some would asked to completed the online “Occupational Health and Safety” consent and comply with pages and pages of legal statements and instructions, it could of reduced to one line – “Whatever happened at work, it was all your fault”.

“Lord Business”‘s super weapon – super glue was to mold everyone to shape. Business was the method of crowd manipulation, not about money. That’s why in China a being shaped obedient employee, will given an award as “a model of work’s mold” in some first world country is same like the “Australian of the year”, in global term by the UN(really just Rockefeller foundation ) is called “citizen of the world” award.

“..organises the traits of an individual into a system, and freezes them into a mold by standardising current ideas, hardening the prevailing stereotypes, and furnishing thought patterns in all areas” – Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes.

That’s why Emmet came up with ridiculous ideas – ideas that “Lord Business” hadn’t thought about it, or the child made Lego without following instructions. By not play the game already laid out.

But the movie meant for the children – Adam Sandler type, it had to had “nice” ending, “Lord Business” showed “sympathy”, “everyone lived harmonious ever after”. The End.


Try type “Noah meaning” in Google search, the first result was “a shark “, then “baby name”, “to rest”(to die), “a person” etc… The same from any dictionary, like the Oxford Dictionary – suppose to be serious. Welcome to the Age of rubbish information.

There is a Hong Kong-Turkish join expedition team to search for “Noah’s Ark”, called the “Noah’s Ark Ministries International” (NAMI), only with two cultures they call it “international”, so it sounded “important”. They were not the first to search for “Noah’s Ark”, it had been on going for thousand years. “NAMI” in Persan mean “illustrious”, reverse “IMAN” means “Faith”, that’s why their statement was ‘to seeks the truth of the Ark from a “Faith”-based mix in with “illustrious” scientific methods.’ Any high school student would had known scientific results were based on “Faith”- Theory – Theo means god. NAMI of course knew that, that’s why they were into making show business, not “arkeology”.

“The Mysteries of the Faith (are) not to be divulged to all. . . . . It is requisite to hide in a mystery the wisdom spoken.” – Clement of Alexandria (190 AD). “Mysteries Schools” always taught “The narratives of the Doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only at the garment” – Simply saying, the real meaning always hidden, often what we said to people, it was not what we meant.

“Noah” in French or Latin is “Noé” – “New”, or “Nova”(latin) is also “New”, “Christ.mas” in French is “Noël”. It seems that the “Old Ark” unlike would ever being found, what about try to find a “New” one, like the “New Yark”,”Noah York” – “New York” or “Newark” – “New.ark” is the most populated city in the New Jersey – US, it’s truly a place contains all genes of people and animals. “New.ark”‘s state is covered by “New Jersey”, a Jersey is cloak the garment. It is a cover on lid of “The Ark of the Covenant”, so the New World had a “New” Atonement Cover.

“Ark” is “Arc” of circle or oval, each day as seemed a “New” Sun was traveled in segment of the Arc on the sky, The Sun would promise(Covenant), it would return the next day. The most precious thing to most people was the lost(wasted) of time(ark), those tried chased it back, like the movie is called “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, The same allegory of the Chinese mythology of Kua Fu, who chased the sun, and died of thirst. Arkeologly(archeology) – the study of past time.

Oval is shape of the arc is vessel, Vescica Piscis or ‘Vessel of the Fish’, a shape of entrance of the woman, mother is carrier as a ship, anyone had children would already experienced the real creation. Before the creation there were “wars in heaven” – In the beginning a man and a woman tried to date, the chaos of the relationship, they often met in the secret garden of eden, before they ever found the forbidden fruit, they already experienced – “The great flood”, “turbulence”, “flying like a Dove”, “million of serpents(sperms)”, “a fertilised egg rest on a land”, after 40 weeks(ancients call it 40 days) – on the 10th months a new life was born, that’s why is called “Life begins at 40”. It’s biology(science) and real mystery, the begin of a new child(new sun/son), the secret(sacred) of life form, beyond anyone could explained scientifically.

Lack of imagination, the public got imprinted with images since childhood, the Ark was always with animals of teddy bear, Bambi, snoopy, Kung fu panda, lion kings, all the animals from local zoo. so often would see the same in some woman’s bed room as well.

As soon as so called new scientific find evidence of where the Ark was or whatever, both “Chosen people” vs “Monkey brain”(evolution) people, immediately in fighting each other, tried to hold on their own given “faith”, didn’t realise both were the same based on a believe system. The reason of fighting was people had no Faith of themselves.

One thing they both would all agreed on was, they had same “faith”, that this movie will not win academy award for the best picture in next year.

Ghost in the shell – (part 2)

Motoko’s team partnered with Batou, who was military style cyborg(cybernetic organism), he was “programmed” all he needed to know for his job, he didn’t understand what Motoko was searching for, as he watched Motoko’s diving into the sea, like the rest of the audience had no ideal what was diving sequences was all about.

It was an allegory to represent an individual seeking their own mind from the conscious to the sub conscious and to sea of unconscious, the “Bottomless pit” – “The Abyss”, where everything could be possibly, the good and the bad, we knew it because could see it in dreams. Most people are terrify to see the dark side of themselves, their ego(the conscious) immediately took over – The ego as tip of the iceberg of the surface of the ocean. A knight on the white horse defeated the dragon (dark side of unconscious), founded and awoke his own “Sleeping Beauty”, his own soul, a soul.mate (true love). The same meaning repeated in many Disney movies. The movie “Django Unchained” hinted with a famous German mythology, a knight set out to find and released a princess(Broomhilda) imprisoned on top of a mountain by a dragon. As in this movie Motoko was to find the “Puppet Master”, later the merged together.

“Know Thyself” these words, contained in all ancient wisdom quotes from all cultures were the same, by examining yourself, memory, thoughts, experience, the only place to know is real, no need “experts” from outside to told what you should be like, by think of yourself also know how rest people are think of, the prerequisite mix with experience to gain higher meanings. As Motoko ascending her onto the surface(conscious), the water refection of herself, as soon she touched it, her image like in distorting mirror, all the so called “Mysteries”(deceptions) of the world just illusion like the image from a distorting mirror falling apart.

After the driving Motoko passing through the city, seeing ordinary people were busy, hurrying and worrying about their daily routine life, generations after generations had born and died into the world that they don’t really understand. The world is already existed, everything was already planed before everyone was born, in a short life time span, unable to see there are long range inter-generational of plannings, all they were told was “It’s a Progress”.

The planing could be seen from building of temples, The Cologne Cathedral in Colonge, Germany took 640 years to complete. Generation, wars, society raised and felt had no affect the completion. To see what will be come, have a look at the construction of Sagrada Família, commenced in 1882, completion date of 2026, with every brick decorated with sculptures of “Nature, organic, plants and trees”, wrapping on top of the existing religion, the “Earth Worship”, so the green religion priests will not be the guys who wear the dresses, but they’ll be the guys who wear the white coats; experts, like the scientists. So experts and scientists will be the new priests for the new green religion. What the “coincidence” that today people are “naturally” parroting, “weather(climate) change”, “green”, “vegetarian”, “low carbon living”,”riding push bikes”, like some kind of new trendy life style, all the cost of living are going up and up. Who were the benefices of that “Master” or “Slave”…

“Most people would rather die than think; many do.” – Bertrand Russell. Other than they were so being conditioned, but also they don’t wanted to be in the know, they being happy to live in their own little bubble world, imagine the painful to burst a burn blister(bubble), all their reality would shattered.

The system don’t what a person to have sentience individual thought, that’s the real “terrorist” like the “Puppet Master”, who could broke out of the system…

Ghost in the shell – (part 1)

The movie at the beginning in a bed room scene, where the main character Motoko tried to “wake up”, in a world had become interconnected by a vast electronic network that permeates every aspect of life.

“When I finally woke up I took a look around: I saw courthouses, houses of government, churches, schools, and universities by the hundreds and thousands. I saw systems for managing the land, the air, and the water; systems for managing human behavior; systems for managing religion; systems for managing learning; systems for managing food, shelter, clothing; systems for managing love and procreation: a vast complex of carefully engineered systems. I saw millions of people working, not for themselves, but for someone else. I saw millions of people doing, not what they themselves want to do, but what someone else wants them to do.

I saw the depressing evidence of a people who have tried to standardize the very nature of humanity. I saw a whole people who’ve lost the way of life and in its place have built a technological monster which does most of their hard work, carries their water, delivers their food, raises their kids, makes their decisions, says their prayers, transports them, informs them, entertains them, and controls the people it serves, absolutely. I also saw that the monster, seemingly unable to manage itself, was running wild, totally out of visible control, ripping the land to pieces, spreading poisons, filling the air with filth, dumping garbage and shit in the rivers and lakes and oceans. I saw all of that, and I saw the people, millions of them, crowded together in cities, living side by side in towns, villages, rural areas. But I didn’t see a single community.

Is someone doing all of this on purpose?” – Wilfred Pelletier and Ted Poole

Motoko was purposely created cyborg to serve the system, she was for the police force team, she was beyond genetic clone, the natural born had became “genetic defected” human. She could plug her bio-mechanical brain interface into the Internet, could see a virtual reality, to collect any data, information and passing around to other “robots”. Isn’t that what is everyone is doing now, by collecting bits and pieces of information tried to made sense out of it.

Motoko’s team were chase the garbage collectors, throught they were the “real hackers”, who broke out of the system, garbageman just “zombies”, their mind had being hacked, their reality were given(programmed) by someone else. One garbageman was terrified when he realised, his memory was not his own, memory that not base on their own experience – not the simulated experience from the virtual reality. Everyday people were programmed from the morning, the radio, news, entertainment, sport, watch mobile on the train to work, chatting to colleagues repeat last night’s tv programs, at night watch (“programmed”) by tv before bed, and repeat the same next day.

With Motoko’s robotic mind supposed being “programmed”, but still had some ability to sense there’s something beyond the artificially created world.

The “garbageman” allegorically meant the public were the “garbage collectors”, collecting rubbish information to make up their reality…