
The movie began with series of talks about how wonderful of today’s science and technology had been progressed, so advanced that could ready to transcend everyone into a highest living being. The audience swallowed these mixed with some facts and lot of fascination ideas, believed all fields of Experts were there picking their brains and woke up all night, tried to think – how to make average public to live better, so one day they could walk on clouds, live forever, happily ever after. And to help sick, the poor, Alzheimer’s and the disable. Very true, most of the public were the disabled – disabled from reality.

How easy to manage massive amount of population’s mind, by continuously to supply them endless of fantasy future hope, by understood the basic human nature – terrify of death. The truth, that no one want to know. In economic efficient(restricted) society, everyone’s had to had a pragmatic function to consume, produce and to serve The System, if not, in every government had a department of depopulation, advocate “voluntary” euthanasia to “help you”, especially for the elderly and the disable. Also funded services to celebrate death, like “Heavens Above Fireworks” – “arrange special fireworks displays which include a number of unique fireworks designed or modified to incorporate cremation ashes, allowing for a spectacular memorial event and happier farewell”, sounded like more exciting than the New Year Eve firework party.

In Cult Groups were there to offer the members of fantasy hope, so members could escape the harsh reality for while, and then demand for more and more, until the Cult no longer to offer more, the ultimate ending was always the same, end up with massive suicide, swallowed the promised of a “Heaven” to “live for ever”. These were the passive minded people unable to think for themselves.

Like today people demand more and more of the latest technologies, until supply could not keep up the demand, with a promised a virtual reality(Heaven), that every could upload their mind to the Internet, to “live for ever”, allow others to “Like”, “Share”, and watch like movie, which a lot of people were looking forward to. It’s called “Trance.dence” – “put to sleep”, that’s why the main character “Will” kept ask the audience – “Can You Prove You’re Self Aware”.

A high Jesuit priest – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – called the “Trance.dence” as “Omega Point”, to describe human ultimately evolution toward a “collective conscious” (Carl Jung called oppsite the collectives were the unconscious) – a priest believed in evolution and science – which was the real religion within religion. Given for the public was Religion vs Science – put their entire life in confused. In the bio-chemistry is called “Noospehre” – Nous(new/knowledge)-sphere, In technology is call the “Technological singularity”… ect science research. All united worked together to alter natural human beings. That’s why in “Transformer 4” – concern with alter human genetic engineering, was called the “Age of Extinction” – to end any unique individual by all means.

If anyone still had some “Self Aware”, didn’t go along with The System, was call the “Terrorist”, but The System actual funded real terrorists, as described by the character FBI Agent to Max, audience, they were funded to be blamed for cause.

With the twisted ending, all these scientific alteration of everything wasn’t bad after all, it was to save your “Mother” – Earth, according to Jesuit’s oath – “The end justifies the means”.