The Reader

An excellent book “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947” by Thomas Goodrich about atrocities of world war 2 in Germany, or for any war. A book not for the weak minded, or without certain level of maturity, it placed the reader in the eye of witness, of each sadistic horror, what was hell like on the ordinary people. It was not about “standard”(twisted version) history book on atrocities by Nazi, but worse of the all by the The Allies of World War II, called the United Nations. The book was tried to put the history back to victims, as the authorised version of history was white washed, chopped, cleaned up to brainwash the public. The main smug historians, book authors, movie makers, most also got brainwashed, these “Experts” knew not better than everyone did, unwittingly became a tool for propaganda, making silly stories about ww2 like “The reader”, “Schindler list” and countless of these useful idiots further to disable mind of the public.

The movie was about a decade or more after the ww2 in Germany, a boy had “abnormal” relationship with a woman – Hanna at a mum’s age. A few year later the boy/now a man observed Hanna being charged for war crime. Hana was concentration camp guard, for she missed care a group of labor, caused death under Allies bombing raid.

Anyone read a bit of history or watch few documentary, if not “awake” would easily became the victim by technique of propaganda, hypnotic by “his-story” of all sides of battle strategies, generals, soldiers tried to save or grain their positions, almost like watching sport, reduced to simplistic logic of Winners and the Losers. Fitted perfectly into today’s the mind of the public, “just give the answer, don’t make me think”. Anyone had a little bit of curiosity, when saw photos of every Germany city turned into ashes would question “why”. It was not illiterate terrify, it was the one could see and read, but did not understand.

The book “Hellstorm” composed from many sources of witness accounts of atrocities, on Allies bombing by the West, mainly Britain and America. Britain sent thousand upon thousand of bombers covered by night dropping bombs like rain on the city. Wave of wave of bombers many civilians survived by stayed in underground bunkers and cellars, to ensure everyone was dead on the ground the final phrase of bombing finished off by dropping fire bombers, set a whole city in the fire storm, underground shelters turned into oven, melt victims into liquid. the real Holocaust – Halo.cast – cast(fire) of the sun(halo,in Latin), the ancient ritual human sacrifice on fire.

In Australian(Canberra) War Memorial museum, display one of these type of huge four engines bomber, with a special video presentation of a bombing mission, a female voice over, explain “how these crews hero, risk their life”, “do there job as told”, “say good by their family and friend and dog and cat”, went on the mission to bomb everyone into pieces, the audience tranced by this emotional female voice – “few our Hero never come home”. It was not about to use logic to explain why bombing at night where no one could see any target. They would never show The America air raid during day time like west cow boy chasing the bandits, shooting down on anyone tried to flee the burning city.

It was designed to eliminate large populations, turned into some kind of ritual sacrifice of the mass. during bombing there were frantic, terror, hysterical, distress, effect on the people. Back to the movie with medieval inquisition – court room drama, tried to apply logic on mass scale of atrocities. On East Allies the Russian bombing raid with Stalin-organs – rocket trucks. Less destructive compare to air bombers, Those still lucky survive, physically, late to suffer greatest psychology destruction.

“The Reader” never detailed the inside the mind of Hanna, always project from outside see her as illiterate idiot, as all sides of witness had concluded, toward end and after the war, the massive of rapes on Germany female were from age of eight to eighty, no one left. The most rape by the east allies , mainly not front line Russian, but from second line of armies made up of Asiatic mercenaries, gangs – Mongolian. The book “Hellstorm” detailed many witness horror of rapes, suspect had been cut down to make acceptable for the reader, but enough to shock all readers. Often noted by priests, people came in the church of save house, that turn into a bomb target and rape house. Victims rape 50 and 100s times a week as common. The war front line advanced forward, did not not stop any, there was endless wave of armies came looting and raping, turned every place into the middle age’s Mongol invasion of Europe. A new race of people were born, as women gave birth million babies of mix genes.

Many women became victim venereal disease, required treatment of antibiotics, that explained the movie “The Third Man” never detail why “Third Man” stole penicillin from military hospitals to black market, it might hint that to save life, as Allies withheld the medical supply. Today it is called “UN Sanctions”.

Researchers described effect these systematic rape in several stages, the initial stage as shock and violent, stage two were turn extreme sadistic to victims, stage three became settle, as the women were got used to it, fourth stage Allies occupation used starvation further depopulate rest of survivals, the women offer themselves for some basic daily living necessity, last stage as society back to normal women went into denial – syndrome of psycho trauma, pretended nothing had happened. That’s why very few came out to described the atrocities, the only a book “A Woman in Berlin” as dairy by anonymous woman, Victim like Hannah probably would hangs herself, as she learnt to read, to discovered today’s about World war 2 in Europe was about “death of 6 million Jews”.

Anyone tried question “death of 6 million Jews” is guilty – “holocaust denial”, no one allowed to say more than 6 million or less than that number, you were not suppose the think outside of authorities wanted you to think and you were guilty until proven innocent. Although the “The Reader”‘s author did step on the line tried to question it.

Before the world war 1 German was the most advanced and modern nation of the world, no one would ever believed such nation reduced to post-apocalyptic wasteland like the movie “The Road”. Never learnt century before there were “Thirty Years’ War”, people lived in peace became domesticated. For those went to war were the victims of anti-German propaganda, today it was the same anti-Islam propaganda. Change “German” into one of today’s most advanced nation, it had same signs and patterns.